industry competitive power 工业竞争力; 产业竞争力
regional industry competitive power 区域产业竞争力
tourism industry competitive power 旅游产业竞争力
Chinese tea industry 中国茶产业
development of the tea industry 产业发展
green tea power 绿茶粉
Guizhou tea industry 贵州茶业
High output power TEA CO2 laser 高功率TEA CO2激光器
Hunan tea industry 湖南茶产业
strengthen tea industry 做强茶业
Tea industry 荼业; 茶叶产业; 茶产业; 高效茶业; 茶业
tea industry accumulation 茶产业集群
Tea Industry Development 茶业发展; 产业发展
Tea Industry for Leisure 休闲茶业
Tea Industry Information 茶业信息化
well-known tea industry 名茶产业
carbon emission in power industry 白乳胶; 电力碳排放
Chengdu Institute of Surveying and Designing of Power Industry Ministry 电力工业部成都勘测设计研究院
China’s electric power industry 存储局域网; 中国电力业